Genital Aesthetics

What is laser genital aesthetics?
Genital rejuvenation and genital whitening can be performed with laser treatments. Laser is used to reshape and tighten the external genital organs, treat vaginal dryness problems and whiten the vagina. Laser treatments are an innovative technology that offers many advantages for gynecologists. Lasers are also used to treat sexual dysfunctions, urinary incontinence and gynecological abnormalities.
For Which Reasons Is Vagina Aesthetics Applied?
Aging, which is a natural process, can cause deformation in the vagina area as in the whole body. Aging, with the effect of other factors, can create the reasons for vaginal aesthetic applications. In this respect, we can list the reasons for the application of vaginal aesthetics as follows;
- Birth; After giving birth in women, stretching may occur in the vagina. Changes in the vaginal muscles during childbirth may occur as stretching in the vagina in the future. Vaginal aesthetics can be applied due to postpartum enlargement of the vagina.
- Postpartum; It is one of the most common reasons to apply for vaginal aesthetics due to deformations in the female body. Due to difficult births and incisions made outside the vagina after birth, aesthetic concerns may occur and problems may occur in sexual intercourse.
- Anatomical reasons; In some women, the size of the small lips in the vagina may be different from each other congenitally and therefore vaginal aesthetics can be performed. Likewise, in some women, the outer lips can be quite large, wrinkled and sagging in some women, and for this reason, vaginal aesthetics can be applied.
- Sagging in the vaginal area is one of the most common reasons for vaginal aesthetics. When there is sagging in the areas of the bladder and rectum before the anus, sexual function problems may occur and urinary incontinence problems may occur. In these cases, which can also cause uterine prolapse, vaginal aesthetics can be applied.
What is Genital PRP?
Genital PRP, which is included in non-surgical genital aesthetic applications, is a method for rejuvenating the genital area and improving the functions and appearance in this area. Genital PRP is an application that involves the injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the upper wall of the vagina and clitoris, which allows stem cells to proliferate and "younger" tissue growth. Thanks to genital PRP, collagen and elastin production occurs, thus rejuvenating the tissues; thus providing easy stimulation during sexual intercourse. Thanks to Genital PRP, fullness occurs in the external genital area, mild urinary incontinence is treated, the sensitivity of the clitoris increases, the problem of inability to orgasm can be solved, the vulva skin tightens, the color of the external genital area lightens.
Why is genital PRP applied?
Today, loss of sexual desire, sexual dysfunction, sex performance or urinary incontinence affect millions of women every day. Regardless of age, this condition negatively affects women's lives, especially socially. Many factors play a role in a woman's sexual arousal disorder, including hormonal, physical, psychological and relational changes. Decreased testosterone and estrogen hormone levels, vaginal dryness, chronic health problems and stress are the main factors. Genital PRP rejuvenation is part of an integrative approach designed to treat these disorders. Genital PRP can be applied to women who want to increase sexual pleasure, who have problems with orgasm, who have darkened external genital area color, thinning vaginal skin, who have vaginal dryness, who have pain during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness, and who have mild urinary incontinence. It can also be combined with uterine and ovarian PRP rejuvenation treatment for a more holistic approach.
How is genital PRP applied?
With the genital area PRP application, the blood taken from the patient is subjected to a special process and a platelet-rich plasma is obtained. This plasma contains growth factors and protein. New cell formation and collagen production are triggered in the injected skin. This leads to skin regeneration, rejuvenation and tightening. This plasma is injected into the genital area.
Who can Micro TESE be applied to?
There are various reasons why a man has no sperm cells in semen. These reasons include congenital absence or obstruction of the sperm duct, certain hormonal or genetic factors, exposure to radiation, certain medications used and some infections that prevent sperm formation. With the Micro TESE method, which is applied to people who have no sperm cells, sperm is obtained from the tissue taken from the testicles with a microscopic operation.
Difference from testicular biopsy
Micro TESE has the highest sperm retrieval rate compared to other sperm retrieval methods. It is known to cause the least amount of damage to the testicle. With the microscope used in the surgery, minimal bleeding during the procedure can be recognized and intervention can be performed. Bleeding during the operation and hematoma (blood deposits) after the operation are prevented. In addition, the hormone production of the testicles is affected as little as possible by taking fewer pieces during the procedure. Micro TESE is different from testicular biopsy. While sperm production can occur in all parts of the testicle, in a biopsy only one part of the testicle is sampled. For this reason, people who cannot find sperm cells as a result of testicular biopsy have the chance to obtain sperm cells with the Micro TESE method.
How is Micro TESE performed?
Mostly performed under general anesthesia, Micro TESE can also be performed under local anesthesia in some cases. The procedure is completed within an hour on average and the patient does not feel any pain. During the procedure, a special microscope is used. This microscope minimizes the possibility of damaging any tissue and the testicular area is examined in detail to look for sperm. The tissue samples are subjected to certain procedures and live sperm cells are separated. These cells are then used in the microinjection process. Sperm are frozen before infertility treatment
The sperm cells obtained as a result of the micro TESE method are frozen and stored. The person is then treated for infertility. This freezing process does not impair sperm quality. There is no need to repeat the operation for those who need a second attempt. At the same time, it prevents unnecessary treatment of the woman in case no sperm is found.

Genital aesthetics includes procedures performed to correct the appearance and functional problems in the genital area of women. These procedures can be performed with different techniques such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, clitoral closed technique. Labiaplasty is a procedure to change the size of the inner or outer labia. Vaginoplasty is the process of narrowing or widening the vagina. Clitoral closed technique is a procedure to make the clitoris more prominent. Risks are eliminated when these procedures are performed by specialized doctors. You can click on the links below for aesthetic procedures performed in our clinic, or you can contact us via phone and Whatsapp and visit our clinic.


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